Give presentations at Radiation Hardness Assurance & Component Analysis Section

CTO of IROC Technologies, Maximilien Glorieux, has been invited to give 3 presentations at Radiation Hardness Assurance & Component Analysis Section (TEC-QEC) which will take place on 28th – 30th June 2023 at European Space Agency – ESA ESTEC, Netherland.

Maximilien, Thierry Bonnoit, and Thomas Lange have worked several projects with the ESA over past a few years.
1. In the context of Juice mission, we characterized the soft error risks of 7 components induced by high-energy electrons and compare it to the contribution of other particles.
2. We proposed two methodologies to calculate the contribution of low-energy protons to the soft error and compared their respective results on a set of 4 SRAMs (from 65nm down-to 16nm FinFET).
3. We characterized the Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI) of an SDRAM which is known to generate very large events (millions of errors in some cases).

The title and time of the presentations are as follows:
* 29th June at 11:40 – Risk Assessment of SEE Events due to High Energy Electrons during the Juice Mission
* 29th June at 14:15 – Estimation of proton induced single event rate in very deep submicron technologies
* 29th June at 16:30 – Test Results on SDRAM IS42S86400B-7TLI

Congratulations to all who worked on these projects for their strong contributions and outstanding achievements, and wish successful presentations!

To know more about the event, please visit: